Wednesday, July 28, 2010

While looking up the schedule today on PBS this was posted:

NOTE: When the Idaho Legislature is in session, programming on the Learn/Create and World channels may be pre-empted for live coverage from the House and Senate floors.

Oh goodie! I was seriously anxious I would miss out on the great happenings in the Idaho Legislature. Hmmmmmm. Maybe not.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Eli had a near fatal accident with his bike. Okay maybe it wasn't near fatal, but I definitely felt my heart stop for a second. I was blabbering with a friend and attempting to pack our car for a short trip, when her husband gulped and jumped out of their suburban. That is when I heard the first wail. Then I saw red and realized that my baby (he isn't a baby anymore, but still) was BLEEDING. Eeeeeeeek! Thank goodness for quick thinking, wonderful friends who threw all my kids in the car and sent me on my way to the Urgent Care. Eli was one brave cookie, while they poked, prodded and sewed him back together. Currently he is playing with the little pokie things sticking off his chin. Gross.
Evie told me that the eggs, I made for her, taste like barf. She then proceeded to eat every last bite. I am forced to ponder whether she likes the taste of barf or if she was attempting to be funny.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I don't think it is fair that I am the only person in our family who sunburns. I am toasted with a nice raccoon shape around my eyes. My children and husband have skin that tans beautifully. Can I be jealous of my children's skin? Sounds rather wierd.

Monday, July 5, 2010

How in the world did people live without laptops? It is almost like a baby. I carry it everywhere and I check it every few minutes. I truly love it. If I have any questions it is there, waiting to solve all my problems. How do I fix my window? I can look it up. I don't have to run upstairs to the computer because it is right there with me. Is this sad or am I really lazy? Wait, don't answer that.