Zac loves his bikes and he loves his family. So it makes sense that he would like these two areas of his life to merge. Zac has a wife and she does not love bikes. She likes volleyball, tennis, and jogging. Yet, Zac is very persuasive and decided that his whole family should experience his love of cyclo-cross. It sounds simple. You get on your bike and ride around a course, usually in a park, you get a set amount of time and you see how many times you can go around. So we go to this park (it seems innocent enough), and we get on this paved path and a man blows a horn and were off. That is when I discovered how badly I had been tricked. There are hills that you are obliged to run up (carrying your bike), sometimes with barriers (that you jump over), trees jump out at you. they have big piles of dirt that your are supposed to ride over, but I chose to fall down and flip over; in the mean time your competitors have finished their first lap and are coming by you saying things like, "Good job! Keep up the effort!" I don't understand this, because if they are passing me it obviously means I'm not doing a good job. Hmmmmm. I need analyze their intentions for a bit. So after 45 minutes of this, I'm am scratched beaten and bruised and seeking medical attention, my husband has never been so happy in his life and asks me "Did you have fun?" How exactly am I supposed to answer that?
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Last night we had a party to play games with some friends. When I told Evie she had to go to bed because it was only for adults, she was not happy. She found a note pad and pencil and asked me how to spell, "No adults allowed," and "No eating on Evie's bed." These continued for awhile until she forgot that she was mad then the messages changed to things like this"Dora has a monkey friend."
Friday, November 5, 2010
Eli is the most prepared child ever. A week ago, we sat down in church and I informed the kids that I failed to bring anything. Eli, shrugs his shoulders and pulls four ninja guys out of his pocket. Usually he steals one of Evie's purses to carry his stuff, well not everyone seemed okay with the this (they were pink). Anyway, I bought him a man bag. He loves it. Although it is way too big and he managed to shove a blanket in there. He already has half those scouts beat.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Early this evening, while Evie and I were doing girl stuff, the boys decided to have a knock down fight. Well as you can imagine, it was all sorts of fun until Eli kicked Ethan in the mouth and tore out of the room with fire on his heels. I calmed Ethan down, sent Eli to time-out (we have fair fighting rules, you have to draw a line somewhere and face-kicks are past the line) and went about our night. An hour later I was brushing Ethan's teeth when Eli walks in and asks "Why is Efan's mouff bweeding?" "Hmmmm," I say "Eli why do you think Ethan is bleeding?" And with the most innocent face he replies "He wost a tooff?" "Nope, that is not why he is bleeding." A thinking look appears on his face and he asks, "he got hurt?" "Yes, he got hurt and do you know how he got hurt?" Another moment of contemplation and then a scrunched up face with "Oh." He promptly turned tail and ran for safer ground.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Middle of the Night
Last night Evie woke up screaming "Owwwww, owwwwww." I went running in to her room, lifted her up to see what was wrong, when she promptly puked in my face. I don't think I get paid enough for this.
Thursday, October 7, 2010

I have always wanted a tree/club house. My sister, Merry, and I attempted numerous times to build one, but our lack of skills, materials and a helpful adult condemned us time after time. So when my children mentioned to their Grandpa England that they would like one, I never thought that it would happen. Three weeks later............ this huge, amazing, awesome, tree house is built! I am so excited for all the childhood memories to be made. Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma England for giving my children this incredible gift!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Bidwell Family Trek
We inadvertently went on a trek tonight. The kids got their bikes out to just, "go around the block." We found this "fun" path and the boys took off. I was wearing flip-flops, and was forced to try and chase them down. Evie is not fast on her bike, so I was in a stooped position pushing/running trying to catch the boys. Screaming at the top of my lungs, which they apparently couldn't hear. After three miles of this excitement, the boys finally stopped and Evie and I caught up. Only to realize we had to turn around and go back, and the sun had gone down. Evie was exhausted. I put her on my back and carried her bike. It was a loooooooooooong way back. Next time I am attaching rope to my boys.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Why you don't give your children free choice?
At church on Sunday, we arrived alarmingly early, as in the first ones there. As this has never happened before and won't ever happen again, I told my kids they could sit where ever they wanted. They chose the FRONT row! What?! Don't they know that bench is reserved for the "ward wierdos" and those unfortunate enough to arrive super late and no one is willing to put up chairs for them. Apparently, I need to have a ward dynamics talk with them. Especially since people kept asking with mystified face's as to why we were sitting on the front row.
This picture has nothing to do with church, but Zac looked pretty cute, so I thought I would add it. Although, he does have a tie on. That could have something to do with church, right?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
While looking up the schedule today on PBS this was posted:
NOTE: When the Idaho Legislature is in session, programming on the Learn/Create and World channels may be pre-empted for live coverage from the House and Senate floors.
Oh goodie! I was seriously anxious I would miss out on the great happenings in the Idaho Legislature. Hmmmmmm. Maybe not.
NOTE: When the Idaho Legislature is in session, programming on the Learn/Create and World channels may be pre-empted for live coverage from the House and Senate floors.
Oh goodie! I was seriously anxious I would miss out on the great happenings in the Idaho Legislature. Hmmmmmm. Maybe not.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Eli had a near fatal accident with his bike. Okay maybe it wasn't near fatal, but I definitely felt my heart stop for a second. I was blabbering with a friend and attempting to pack our car for a short trip, when her husband gulped and jumped out of their suburban. That is when I heard the first wail. Then I saw red and realized that my baby (he isn't a baby anymore, but still) was BLEEDING. Eeeeeeeek! Thank goodness for quick thinking, wonderful friends who threw all my kids in the car and sent me on my way to the Urgent Care.
Eli was one brave cookie, while they poked, prodded and sewed him back together. Currently he is playing with the little pokie things sticking off his chin. Gross.

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
How in the world did people live without laptops? It is almost like a baby. I carry it everywhere and I check it every few minutes. I truly love it. If I have any questions it is there, waiting to solve all my problems. How do I fix my window? I can look it up. I don't have to run upstairs to the computer because it is right there with me. Is this sad or am I really lazy? Wait, don't answer that.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Eli went to the orthodontist today. Awesome news-no surgery..........yet. We then made a mad dash to snag Evie and get them both to T-Ball. Evie sat and drew in the mud. Why did I pay $30 for this? Ethan is left-handed but doesn't want to be different, so he insists on throwing and batting right-handed. I'll let you know how this works out.
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